About Coach Isaac

Coach Isaac Omirin
Skills & Performance Basketball Coach
Isaac Omirin skill trainer started in 2020 during the lockdown.
Coach Isaac has worked with basketball players at all levels. Beginners to professional level.
Coach Isaac offers 1-1 and small group sessions which are high level but tailored to each individual or group.
The sessions are very intense and mainly focused on basketball skill development. Coach Isaac has worked with many players in the past 3-5yrs who have advanced their game to the next level.
Flynn Boardman-Raffet - Canada
Ridley Shema - USA
Kieran Farrell - USA
Tejan Rugette - USA
Milo Murray - Germany
Emilie Black - USA
Beeban Jikimi-Person - USA
We also run high level basketball camps during the holidays.
- October (Half term)
- Christmas (Holiday)
- Easter (Holiday)
- Summer (Holidays)
Players from 12-16yrs old are welcome.
We hope you can join us at the sessions. We look forward to helping many more young players develop their Game.